Every Little Bit Hurts
Today I came to work with a splitting heachache.
But of course he was not left unnoticed. Brown shirt, ironed to perfection.
So yesterday I went to this bloody good reflexologist. I had a good massage for 80 minutes. After so many questions left unanswered by the specialist doctors, I guess I needed second opinions from an entirely new light.
Durin, the reflexologist concluded that I am having troubles primarily with my colon (gosh, of all organs!), sex organs and blood. So maybe my blood is full of cholesterol, or maybe the sugar level is sky high. So I need to take a blood test. But I reckon I should have at least another 2 sessions of reflexology and I shall go from there.
So now I remember something I read somewhere.."The source of all disease is the stomach".
For the past one week I've been taking this supplement which is supposed to cleanse my stomach and colon. Hence the heahache. But I feel good though. My tummy is less bloated and my mood is much more cheerful. And my sex drive is kicking in!!!
I hope my health will improve, if not quickly, perhaps slowly but steadily.
God knows I needed that badly...
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